Thursday, February 23, 2012

7 Months

Camilla you have completely skipped being a baby! With four teeth, not wanting to ever cuddle with us, and crawling all over the house you are just growing up too fast. You didn't have a 7 month check up but we went to the doctor for a flu booster and you weigh 17 lbs. 4 oz. Which means you have gained a whole pound since your 6 month check up. You are still our little chunk. 

You love to eat Camilla. Everything we give you, you finish. Your favorites are probably sweet potatoes and bananas. We can't get you to drink any water but you are still enjoying nursing. 

Speaking of nursing, you are biting your Mom. It hurts! Mom tried to harshly tell "no" when you did it and you immediately laughed and thought is was so funny. Not sure how to convince you its not funny. 

You are starting to enjoy books, especially when your big brother reads them to you.

You are consistently sleeping through the night. (Although teething has given us a few wake ups)

You stopped taking your pacifier again so Mom started dipping it in a little bit of honey and you take it before you go to sleep.

You are crawling all over the place getting faster every day. You are crawling in the tub, in your crib, everywhere we go. Although you still aren't sitting up all that great. 

You took your first ride in the bike trailer and you did great and you went on your first run in the double jogging stroller and you loved sitting up and watching everything. You would not lie back for a second. 

You continue to be as sweet as can be and laugh all the time. I love going to get you out of your crib in the morning and watch you light up. You love to smile when your Daddy sings your Camilla song. 

You have the cutest 6 month wardrobe ever. Perfect for the cutest baby girl ever! 

1 comment:

Jalei & Lane said...

I can't believe she's already crawling! I feel like that's so early.