Monday, June 29, 2015

Happy Birthday Carson

My sweet angel boy turned 6. 6 whole years old, I can hardly believe it. I love this boy so much it hurts. He has been the absolute perfect 5 year old and I was sad to see him turn 6. He is the kindest big brother and so thoughtful of his sisters. He is so obedient and well behaved, I never have to worry about him. He love to swim and especially dive and he loves to run and jump on the trampoline and eat popsicles. His favorite tv show is Team Umizoomi and his favorite movie is... who knows, probably Counting on Lemonade. He still loves the color blue and also gold and he loves to play with his friends. He also loves to play the wii and can most often be found playing the piano. He is such a talented, smart boy. We feel so grateful to have him in our family and I am especially grateful for what a good example he is to his younger sisters. 

Oh how I love my C man. 

Friday night he got to go to Chuck E. Cheese with his Dad. He was nice enough to invite Millie to come along. They filled up on tokens and played games for a couple of hours. 

Carson insisted riding this train even though he was a bit too big for it. 

Just a little guitar hero. He also loved the football game and playing by himself. 

On Saturday we had a party for him at a swimming pool in Plugerville with slides. Carson barely and I mean barely made the cut off to ride the slides by himself. At his check up he was 48 inches which is the cut off for all these slides, it is a close call each time. Well the kids swam and swam and rode down slides and swam some more. 
They also took breaks to eat pizza and fruit and not many veggies were consumed. :) 

We also sang and did cupcakes. 

Carson and Simon. Love these two. 

Carson loved all his presents. 

It was a very fun day. On his actual birthday we made more cupcakes and sang Happy Birthday and watched American Ninja Warrior. It was a good few days for our boy. He deserves it, he works very hard and helps me so much while his Dad is out of town. 

Happy 6th Birthday Carson!!! 

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