Sunday, April 4, 2010

9 Months

March has come and gone and my baby is 9 whole months old. I had a moment last week when I realized that I do not write down enough all the cute things this boy is doing. I am not doing a good job of keeping track of all the things I want to remember about him and I'm starting to get afraid that I'll forget. I woke up one night and just started writing down things that I wanted to remember about him and here are some of them:

9 month stats

Height: 28.5 In. (50th)
Weight: 18 lb. 13 oz. (20th)
Head: 18 In. (60th)

I just hate seeing his weight percentage continually go down. This kid eats a ton! We have yet to find a fruit, vegetable, cereal, yogurt, you name it, that this kid won't eat. He loves it all, even all the meat. I started giving him table food this month and he loves that too. Now I've struggled with my milk supply since I started training for my marathon but I started supplementing back in November so I don't think that's it (especially since I worked so hard to get it back up)...My doctor says not to worry that he just burns his calories off because he's so active but I still think about it all the time.
He started pulling up on the couch, us, tables, etc.

He started being able to push himself to sit up. This one took me by surprise because I didn't see it coming and of everything he has learned to do he picked this one up the fastest. He did it once and then he had it down and started doing it all the time. It just made him seem so big to me.

Saying Da Da, that was for sure the word of the month. Everyone is da da.

Waving bye bye, he loves this one. Sometimes when we walk outside he stops at every, single thing on the ground, gives it a good look, waves bye bye and then we continue on.
He is really into looking under everything to find toys or to see what is there. I always find him looking under our bed.

We have broken out backs walking around the house with him.

He loves to play peek a boo with this plant on our kitchen table.

He stands alone for a few seconds.

He got an activity table that he loves to stand and play with.

He loves water! He always wants his sippy cup. He has loved water since 4 months old. I was shocked he took to the sippy cup so well since he didn't the bottle.

He has crawled just a tad but still just does the army crawling all over the house. He is turning into quite the mover.
He got 2 new teeth. We didn't even notice them, a friend pointed them out at church.

He pulls the blanket over his head to play peek a boo and then drops it.

He really stopped sucking his thumb. I am thinking he bit it at some point.

He still cries when he goes down for his naps sometimes.
He loves to run his hand through my hair, especially when he is nursing.

He is giving lots of kisses. One night when he didn't want to go to sleep he was in a rare cuddly mood so we just laid in bed together and he kept giving me kisses and smiling. Ahh, it was a good night.

I started pinching him when he would bite me while nursing and one time he bit me hard and I pinched him hard back and he started crying, I felt horrible but he has never done it since.

He started making a clicking noise with his tounge.

We keep saying this has been the most fun month by far, but I guess we'll say that forever.


Jalei & Lane said...

He sounds so fun to be around. He is adorable. I love the picture of him looking at the washing machine.

Adam and Cassie Pierson said...

Sweet sweet boy. He's growing so fast! We can't wait to see him again. Just a few months. As for the weight thing, Drew has the same problem and I'm thinking they must just have super fast metabolisms. At least Carson is growing taller. :) We miss you guys like crazy. Happy Easter!