Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thanksgiving Preparation

We are hosting Thanksgiving this year so we have been busy getting everything ready. 

The girls have been helping Aaron put together some furniture for the kids' rooms. They always want to help with everything. 

We have been exploring Walnut Creek Park so we find the best places to show our cousins. 

So our sweet baby Spencer turned 6 months old. At his check up we talked about food. I have been dreading this as I don't have a ton of time to sit and feed Spencer food but of course Millie to the rescue. She loves to feed him and helps me whenever she can. Our sweet boy has 2 bottom teeth and the greatest smile in the world. 

Height: 27.5 In (75th)
Weight: 16 lbs. 13 oz. (40th)
Head: 44 cm (75th) 

Growing right on track. 

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