- I am still feeling really great, sleeping great and don't feel really moody or anything. And I still have a healthy appetite.
- I haven't had a single contraction, no Braxton Hicks, nothing. I'm really worried t hat I won't know what is happening.
- I hate for people to ask me how much weight I've gained. I'm always like, the baby is healthy, that's what is important right? But at my last appointment I gained 0 pounds (yea!) but at my appointment before that I gained about a pound a day. :)
- We still haven't done a thing with the nursery.
- I get new varicose veins all the time.
- I feel him moving around more than ever, but he never wakes me up at night.
- We went to our birthing class and while I have nothing but respect and admiration for all of you Moms who have your babies naturally, give me the epidural.
- This baby is nameless, oh so nameless.
In house news, its coming along. The kitchen and living room are basically done and look great. I need to take some pictures. But the other rooms are well...some are empty. Our first priority is a desk for the office because I am getting pretty tired of sitting on the floor to use the internet because it hurts my bum after about 4 minutes and its so hard to get up and down these days. We do still love our house and are having fun trying to take care of the yard, well mostly Aaron does that. And we just can't wait for this little baby to get here!!
3 weeks away, HOW EXCITING!!!! And you look seriously fabulous!!
Logan's brother wants to get married 5 1/2 weeks before I'm due, and I'm planning on going - b/c I'm crazy. Heaven knows I will look like a baluga whale compared to you and will probably need 2 plane seats. ;)
Good luck deciding on names, it's such a process I think. Right now all we can agree on/like enough is Gavin. And watch him not look like a Gavin. The one name we have. Fabulous. Really. ;). I'm just glad I'm not pressured to name him Willard Fritz the 5th or something.
Can't wait for more updates!
Oh my gosh! I still can't believe that you and Aaron are going to be parents! It seems like just yesterday we were over at your place playing cards and eating popcorn past midnight :) you guys will be awesome parents!
Congrats on all your new life changes!
Trust me. You will know. I used to think the same thing. There is no confusing a contraction when you're in active labor. Here's to a speedy delivery!
HALEY!!! Wow! I can't believe you're almost there! SOOOO excited for you. And yeah, I agree that when you start having the real deal contractions, you'll know exactly what's going on. I wish I were there with you to actually SEE you prego, and we could about nothing but pregnancy, and baby names and nurseries. PS now I'm REALLY curious to know how much you've gained. I gained thirty five with MErritt. Does that make you want to tell me?? Love you!
ps this is definitely mim and not allan.
Oh it can be any day now! I can't wait to see him! And you look fabulous. How nice that you haven't gained any weight in your arms or face!
No Braxton Hicks?? I have about a billion a day, and I have for quite some time! And who cares how much weight you've gained, cause you still look just the same + a baby belly!
YAY for 3 weeks away - I can't wait for this baby to come and I will want some serious details. I love labor and delivery stories more than most things. Sorry about springing Chicago on you. We didn't tell anyone really because we were nervous it would fall through like Tennessee. So we waited till we were actually here. :) Can I get any farther away from TX????? :)
He's going to be here so soon! You look great!
Good luck with the delivery!
Hey girl! You look great and I cant believe he is almost here...so fun! I was going to see if you wanted to try and get together for lunch before the little man arrives. If you have time my email is melissa_kaye@hotmail.com, hope you have a great week!
I miss seeing you guys every week at church and watching you get ready for the big birth! I know you're excited for the baby, me too. As for the name, Wendell would be quite nice thank you.
I'm glad to hear that things are progressing nicely with your pregnancy. You really look fabulous and I have a feeling that you're going to be one of those girls that looks like a supermodel the day after she gives birth.
P.S. I love the picture of you and Aaron. Isn't it sweet how they can't keep their hands off the tummy?
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