Sunday, July 24, 2016

2 months

Our sweet angel boy is 2 whole months and he is fat!! He has grown so much its crazy. We are enjoying this little butterball more and more as he continues to grow. This months our sweet boy is really starting to enjoy his baths, he started smiling at us (oh how we all love that smile and fight over it every day), he is grunting and loves to stretch out. He is trying to find his fingers all the time and loves to look at mobiles and dangling toys. Spencer loves to be held and loves his pacifier. 

Spencer was blessed this month and he was perfect. 

Spencer's brother and sisters are still crazy about him and really help me by watching him, playing with him and inserting his paci. Spencer is getting very strong and does well with his tummy time. 

Spencer is sleeping longer stretches at night and unfortunately doesn't have much a schedule during the day. Poor fourth child grabs a nap whenever he can, usually in the car. He has days when I wake him up from every single nap but his favorite napping spot is his swing. 

Official stats:

Height: 24 inches (85th)
Weight: 11 pounds 14 ounces (50th)
Head: 40 cm (75th)

Woah!! This kid grew so much this month, he gained almost 4 pounds. The doctor and nurses couldn't believe how much he had grown. They were all very impressed and pleased with a breastfed baby growing so well. It was a proud mamma moment. 

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