Wednesday, April 25, 2012

9 Months

My sweetest baby girl is now 9 months old. You are still the happiest, busiest baby ever. I am loving this age so much I can hardly stand it. Your smile is contagious. I can't help but smile at you all day long. Here are your stats:

Height: 27.5" (50th)
Weight: 18.3 Lbs. (50th)
Head: 18.5 " (100th)

That's right you have a big head, and it has no hair. But it sure is adorable. I thought your head was big as you outgrow headbands like crazy and I have a hard time finding ones that are big enough to go around your head but the bows aren't too big. :) I am pleased with your weight as I am still trying to nurse you. You love it so much that I hate to supplement you. You have had such a fun month.

You are giving your Daddy kisses. Still not your Mom but it will come. 
You are so curious and busy. I turn around for two second and you are inside the fireplace, or climbing up the stairs, or trying to get into something. I can hardly keep up with you. 
You put everything in your mouth, everything you find.
You are a great eater and eating your baby food very good. You are also starting to eat some table foods. 
You are still sleeping good and taking pretty good naps. You like to go to bed early but you are getting better at staying up if we need you to. 
You still don't like your carseat.
You went swimming and you liked it OK. Not great though.

You love water and always want Mom's water bottle or your brother's sippy cups. 

You still want to pull yourself up on everything. You are also cruising around furniture and going from piece to piece. You aren't crazy about walking around but man can you crawl fast. You are even getting fast at going up the stairs. 

You are still making your grunting noise and you love to play peek-a-boo. You have a few books that you kinda like but mostly you would rather just crawl around and pull up on me and eat the book. Your brother still tried to use your head as drum and is having a very hard time not hitting you but your whole face lights up when he walks in your room in the morning or after your naps. You love to give him hugs and kisses. You love to play outside and you insist on trying to play everything your brother and his friends are playing. You could stay at story time for hours but Dad is having a tough time with you are church. It is very hard for you to fall asleep anywhere but your crib even though you sometimes give it a long, hard try. 

I love you princess angel girl. That's what we all call you around this house. Every morning Carson says,"How was your sleep princess baby girl."

1 comment:

merrilykaroly said...

Oh she is so sweet! What a darling! It's fun to find your blog :)