Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cory and Delaney's Wedding

So we made it back from our trip to Austin and San Antonio and Aaron made it through his golf tournament and no baby made its appearance. I know we are so lucky that everything worked out but I am so happy that we made the trips because I would've just been kicking myself sitting at home with no baby making any kind of progress. The wedding was beautiful and as my sister said, Cory and Delaney were in la-la land. They seriously had no idea there were other people around and what was going on at the reception. They were so cute. It was a quick trip for us, we left late Thursday night and came back on Saturday night. I was running around Thursday like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get everything ready to go. I bought a new dress and we were out. We spent part of Friday with my family at the lake house that everyone stayed at and did all the boat stuff, it was really fun. Austin is so beautiful. Here are a few pictures:
Then Friday night we all ate dinner on the river walk, which was so beautiful and surprisingly not that hot.Saturday was the luncheon and wedding in San Antonio and holy heat. It was soooo hot. So the pictures after the ceremony at the temple are not very good, which makes me so sad because the temple is absolutely beautiful. But Cory and Delaney look fabulous, which is all that matters right? I just can't believe it was almost 2 years ago that Aaron and I did this- best decision I ever helped him make. :)
And here is my 38 week shot, can you believe this belly?? It is getting so big. I'm still doing great just HOT. My doctor told me that if I haven't had the baby by my due date he will go ahead and induce me on the 6th since I'm already dilated. I am soooo excited! Although I am secretly hoping that he will be born on the 3rd of July since everyone has work off. :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My Little CPA

Big congratulations to my husband who has officially taken and passed all of the CPA exam. Wahoo!! We are so excited to have him be done. I feel like this test has consumed him for forever and will not miss all the long nights he spent studying after working 12 hour days. I am lucky to be married to such a hard worker, who is not only dang hot but also dang smart. :)
We found out Aaron had passed the last part on Thursday and decided to leave Thursday night to go to Cory and Delaney's wedding. (We're crazy, I know) Then Aaron left on Sunday morning to go to a golf tournament with his Dad in Arkansas. Aaron has our camera and I will post pictures of our adventures of me wadeling to keep up with everyone at the wedding as soon as he gets back.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ready or Not

So I'm a little less than 3 weeks away from my due date, I'm pretty sure he's going to come. We are so anxious/nervous for our little arrival. At my sonogram last week they said he weighed about 6 pounds and a little over 19 inches long. So I shouldn't be delivering a baby out of the 7 pound range. (I can handle that) Most importantly he is healthy and looks great. I would put up a picture but there weren't any good ones. He was hiding his face the whole time and they didn't take a picture of his whole body. Here is me and Aaron on my 36 week mark:So for this last month of pregnancy:
  • I am still feeling really great, sleeping great and don't feel really moody or anything. And I still have a healthy appetite.
  • I haven't had a single contraction, no Braxton Hicks, nothing. I'm really worried t hat I won't know what is happening.
  • I hate for people to ask me how much weight I've gained. I'm always like, the baby is healthy, that's what is important right? But at my last appointment I gained 0 pounds (yea!) but at my appointment before that I gained about a pound a day. :)
  • We still haven't done a thing with the nursery.
  • I get new varicose veins all the time.
  • I feel him moving around more than ever, but he never wakes me up at night.
  • We went to our birthing class and while I have nothing but respect and admiration for all of you Moms who have your babies naturally, give me the epidural.
  • This baby is nameless, oh so nameless.
In other exciting news, my little brother gets married this week. I still really want to go, but anyways, Cory and Delaney came down last weekend and we went out on the boat. I just watched but here are some shots of Aaron, Cory, and Delaney having fun. (Sorry no pictures of me in my swimsuit, I'm just proud of myself for putting one on with my size 0 future sister-in-law with me :) We had a lot of fun and Aaron and I got pretty sun burned. We can't wait to spend some more time on the boat this summer.
In house news, its coming along. The kitchen and living room are basically done and look great. I need to take some pictures. But the other rooms are well...some are empty. Our first priority is a desk for the office because I am getting pretty tired of sitting on the floor to use the internet because it hurts my bum after about 4 minutes and its so hard to get up and down these days. We do still love our house and are having fun trying to take care of the yard, well mostly Aaron does that. And we just can't wait for this little baby to get here!!