Thursday, November 5, 2009

4 Months

Gosh I can't believe, 4 months come and gone. Carson is already in his 5th month and changing so much all the time. I already did a post with many of the major things that happened with this little cutie this month but here it all is again because this is where I keep track of everything for my scrapbook. Some day I will catch up on his scrapbook....

His stats:

Weight - 14 lb. 7oz. (50th)

Height - 26 In. (90th)

Head - 16.5In (50th)

He started to really reach out and grab things and understand that if he saw something he wanted he could reach out and get it.

He started to kicked things and try and knock them over.
He is finding his fingers more and more and of course, wants that thumb every second.
He is talking all the time. He seems to go through major phases where he is obsessed with a particular sound and then moves on a week later. This month he went through this loud ah, ah, ah phase and it was loud. He also did the sputtering with his lips for awhile. Now he does this deep breathing thing.

He rolled over and learned to roll back, making tummy time hard because he just rolls himself over to his back..

He had his first laugh. His oh so adorable laugh. I love it.

He began sleeping in his nursery.

He is putting everything in his mouth.

He loves to grab his feet.

His favorite part of the day is still his bath with his dad and he cracks up laughing every, single night when we take his clothes off to get in the tub.

Still not much hair but he is still darn cute.

He takes the bottle half the time.

And the best part is...He is starting to look more like his mama, I love it.

And me, 4 months later... well I sneezed the other day and thought.. "that didn't hurt that bad, maybe I am getting some stomach muscle back." :)


Kari said...

Oh you wanna talk about sneezing post-baby?? Have a c-section, then we'll talk!

CK Morgan said...

Cute post! I was glad when Jonathan started looking a Teeny bit like me too. I heard somewhere that most babies look like their dads at first so the dads will feel a connection to them. He is learning so much already!

Ashley said...

Oh I love these Carson updates, really! How cute is he? And how fun he loves his baths each night with his dad - I like that idea - Dad giving baths every night ;). I can't wait to really hear Gavin's laugh - he laughs in his sleep but it's more of just a sharp intake sound, if that makes sense.

I agree - Carson IS looking more like you - and I love it. You and Aaron make an adorable (& tall..90th percentile=perfect for a boy) little guy!

Oh and just yesterday I was showing Rebecca my strech marks, that majorly magnified and intensified AFTER I delivered. She just said, "Oh". Yeah, it's THAT bad. And the sneezing thing, I can't tell you how many times I've peed ;). I love my battle wounds. They're worth it though.

Allan said...

He IS looking more like you, and Haley! He's sooo cute. And you bathe him every night?! Wow, I'm a horrible mother...
I love that picture of him with Aaron. So sweet.

Adam and Cassie Pierson said...

What a sweet boy! I just wanna kiss him and hug him, so do it for me. :) Keep up the good work.

ps- I want a thumb sucking picture. They're my favorite. :)

Jen said...

1) I'm with your friend Kari. Sneezing produces fear and tears after a C-section.
2) I don't think Carson is STARTING to look like you, he was BORN looking like you! It's adorable how much he takes after his sweet mama.

Jalei & Lane said...

He sure does look like you! He is getting cuter by the minute.

Melissa said...

So precious - I miss those times! He is looking more like you! Isnt that so fun? I love when people say Pierson looks like me!