Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

So it is crazy to have a baby. It is amazing how much it changes your entire world and how you do everything, including blogging. So many friends of mine, and friends of friends whose blogs I read:), had babies right around the same time I did. I was so excited to be able to read the blogs and relate to them on a new level. To read about the joys and trials of being a new mom or a repeat new mom for most of my friends. To find tips about sleeping through the night and comfort in knowing Carson is not the only baby that screams himself to sleep on a regular basis. And also smile knowing that each mother thinks her baby is definitely the cutest and sweetest. To sympathize with the remembering that once upon a time we actually did have muscles in our stomachs.
Instead I come out of reading blogs, not everyday people but some days, feeling discouraged. I know that no one intentionally does this, seriously I do, but some days I find myself doubting my ability to be a mother after reading every one's blogs. I come out of it feeling like I should be making all of Carson's clothes, I should have made his crib from wood, Carson should be walking by now, his nursery is no where up to par, I should have fun daily activities planned for Carson, I should be in better shape already than before I had a baby or at least making serious efforts to be, and have I mentioned yet that I don't sew or knit or anything like that, and mostly that I should be much more efficient with my time and not need my daily afternoon nap. :) Don't misunderstand that I absolutely love reading about all that everyone is accomplishing. I have amazing friends with amazing talents and I love sharing in their triumphs. I also love being able to share wonderful things happening in our lives, especially things we have worked really hard for. I am confident that this is some sort of hormonal post-partum thing I am going though. But, perhaps I don't post enough about the trials I face as a new mother and stay at home wife. I was recently going though a good friend's scrapbook for her daughter to get some ideas for Carson's and I loved how she wrote about the good things that happened but also the struggles they went through when her little girl was a baby. I found myself totally captivated in reading everything, laughing and relating.
So here it is, a little bit about the good, the bad, and the ugly happening with the Piersons right now.
Carson - He really is fabulous. He is growing like a weed. He sleeps through the night now, about 9 hours which has really made a difference in how I feel in the morning. But he still struggles some nights and wakes up at his routine 4 AM. Some nights I have the will power to let him cry some or try to console him with a pacifier, some nights I just nurse him without a second thought. He really is a happy baby, except when he's tired, he can scream it out.

Josie is a fabulous running partner, she really does wake me up every, single morning at 6 and runs with me rain or shine. Which we have been doing a lot of running in the rain lately. But at least once a week I come home telling Aaron that we are taking her to the pound. Of course we never would, I love that dog more than anything but she is definitely our high maintenance, high reward dog. She has mastered pulling herself out of her collar and is so much stronger than me that when she sees a rabbit, I don't stand a chance, she has dragged me through so much mud. Running is going good but I find it amazing how hard is it to get back into shape again. I was in better shape 9 months pregnant than I feel like I am now. But it is still my much needed "me time" of the day. And I am grateful for a husband that lets me be so selfish.

I love staying at home with Carson, really and truly I can imagine nothing more satisfying and rewarding. Some days I feel like I get so much done and am so efficient. I have projects going and love just hanging out with my little boy. But some days Aaron comes home from work and asks what I did that day and I stop and think....man what did I do today??

Carson has been a little sick, some sort of a virus they think. The main symptom has been bright green, mucous poop. (Sorry I know its gross, but so true) Poor little guy, it gave him a little diaper rash. I, of course, didn't even notice it for almost a whole day. He would scream when I changed his diaper and wiped him but I just thought he was being fussy about getting his diaper changed. Which he never does but ya know I didn't think too much about it. Then I was at my mom's house and she noticed it and told me he needed some cream. I felt horrible, but, of course, I didn't have any on me. "What? You don't have any diaper rash cream in your diaper bag? Are you sure?" Yep, pretty darn sure since I've never bought any and it never crossed my mind to buy any, so unless some baby fairy dropped some in my bag when I wasn't looking, I don't have any. I felt like such an unprepared mom. My new mom friend at my church would never have been unprepared like this. :) Luckily there's a Walgreen's on every corner here.

I have really struggled to make friends in my new ward at church, I know this is my own fault for not making more of an effort but I just don't feel like I relate well with anyone yet. I don't consider myself a shy person but I have to pump myself up to talk to other women. I find myself very intimidated by everyone, although I'm not totally sure why. Thus, I find myself sticking right next to Aaron during the meetings and waiting to leave as soon as they are over, which has never been the case before.

So there you have it, just a quick snapshot of the happenings in my life- all of it. So just in case you were having "one of those days", like I was, when you don't feel like the best mom, wife, friend, student, etc. you can know you aren't alone. And yet, while writing this, sweet baby Carson woke up from his nap and when I went in to pick him up he just smiled at me so big and cuddled with me while he woke up and I thought, "he thinks I am the greatest Mom in the world."


Melissa said...

Haley! I cant tell you how much I LOVE this blog. I felt and still feel the same way sometimes. Tons of my friends breastfeed their babies until 1 and make all of their baby food, and so on and so on and many days I thought, "What is wrong with me?"

Oh and I just started laughing SO hard when you talked about Josie - I told Nate just yesterday that one day he is going to come home and our dog is going to be gone, she might "accidentally" get out of the back yard.

You are so not alone as I type this Pierson is screaming himself to sleep for his afternoon nap!

As soon as our kids are well we need to hang out! Encourage one another! :)

Brooke said...

Isn't that the funny thing about blogs - sometimes they seem like everyone is perfect except us. I think people are just trying to focus on the positive side of life, or don't want a written record of how annoying their kids were that day. But I know what you mean about all the sewing and stuff - sometimes you wonder how in the heck people have time for that kind of thing. I just try to remember that each person has their own things they love and are willing to spend time on. I figure somethings gotta give - maybe they don't have a clean house or make dinner or maybe they just don't require the ammount of sleep that I do :)

Please know you are a wonderful perfect mom - and being a perfect and super mom isn't about doing it all. Your most important job is caring for, loving and teaching Carson. I would cry to my mom some days that I got nothing done - not even showered, not even dishes, etc. etc. and she would remind me that I was doing much more important work - I was caring for a baby.

So don't get discouraged. And just so you know that my life isn't perfect either: yesterday Sadie pooped her pants 3 times, it took me 3 hours to cook dinner because of 2 million interuptions from the little angels, plus 1 hour to clean up the dishes even with Brent's help. By that time everyone was cranky, family night was a bust but we all enjoyed an ice crea sandwich. After the kids were finally asleep I collapsed on the bed never to awaken.

Missy said...

I used to get really intimidated and down when I would read blogs, too. Especially people I didn't know. I finally had to tell myself to stop it. I realized that when some people blog, they paint a picture of their life how they want people to see them. Not everyone is like this, but rest assured the majority of us struggle every day, feel inferior toward other women and their accomplishments, and relish the ability to do more and not feel guilty for not. I think you're awesome!

Best of luck in your new ward, anyone would be lucky to have you guys as friends!

Dani said...

So I had to laugh at the story about the diaper rash - that happens to me regularly still...I change most of his diapers and I am never the first to notice it!. Last week I was in Utah without Doug (who usually notices it first) and about 2 days into Scott screaming during diaper changes (so not the norm!) I noticed the worst diaper rash he has ever had...oops! The good news is that he survived and he still loves me!
Don't be so hard on yourself about not feeling in great shape - it sounds like your nursing and I was very surprised to notice how much energy nursing took from me. It started to come back as we started introducing other foods and nursing wasn't as constant. I was pleased with the change in my energy level and how I felt.
Anyway, I love hearing about you and your sweet family and I'm glad you're enjoying your new role!

Kari said...

I'm a fan of the honest post! I will never make you feel inferior, so keep reading my blog (if I start posting more regularly)!

Evan and Rebecca Jones said...

Oh honey do I hear you on this post!! I think anyone who reads blogs can't help but compare themselves. Oh the blog world. I'm going to make sure Ashley reads this post. Being a mom and "trying to have it all together" is pretty much impossible and I keep telling Ashley that she's "normal" for feeling this or that.

And I hear you on making friends in a new ward. I'm not shy either but keep wondering why I'm feeling like it takes so much effort. If you ever need to feel better about yourself, you can take a look at my blog. Guaranteed you'll never ever see anything crafty there. I'm pretty much the least crafty person I know. :)

Christy said...

That is ironic cause I look at your blog and think wow she is amazing. You can do everything. You are always so much fun, and beautiful. You have a wonderful family and Carson is just adorable. Thanks so much for posting that because I am glad to know that I am not the only one who feels that way. We joke now but at the time I thought I would go crazy. I went from working and talking to everyone to some days when the only people I would talk to was Brandon and Emory. The best thing I did was leave the house and go to a store or to the library or go on walks when I could. I did find all these cool sites on the internet though and the day I found You Tube. Well, lets just say I didn't do a whole lot the rest of the day. I learned to play the Wii one handed while feeding Emory to pass the time. I know what a great accomplishment. But you don't have to prove anything to anybody cause we already think you are the best thing ever. And please don't make a crib out of wood. That is just madness. love ya.

allirasmussen@gmail.com said...

if someone says they don't feel like you do they are lying! you put into words exactly what we all feel...i think it's so true! all of it! raquel has the worst rash right now too...i have no idea what i'm doing most of the time...but we'll all make it right?

carly said...

Well I think you are a fabulous Mom! And the whole not wanting to talk to people at church thing...that's been my story since I moved to DC...totally know how you feel. I just can't get over the fact that you run at 6am every day...I couldn't do that even one day!

Take a Look at My Life said...

You are the greatest mom! Miss you guys and wish I could be seeing more of Carson growing up. It is happening so fast. Love you, kimberly

Anonymous said...

haley, i love this post. seriously, these past few days/weeks i've wondered what changed and where my sweet little max went. he's almost 3, but just hit the terrible twos...guess i'm lucky it came later??? i feel like everyone stares at me and wonders when i'll get control of my kid rather than him control me. i know it's a phase and we have to work through it, but i compare myself to other mom's and wonder why their kids listen to them, eat their meals, and are so much calmer...max has LOADS of energy i could never match. but, i wouldn't trade him for any other kid out there... i just have to remember how much i love him. currently he wants me to hold him in his chair every night after i've already put him to bed. it's so frustrating, why does he come out of his room. but then greg reminded me i'll look back on these nights when he is a teenager and wish he would let me hold him in his chair. i'm learning to savor the moments :)

you are a fabulous mom. you look amazing. carson started sleeping through the night before cole. i don't know how you get up at 6 am. i love your house. there are so many things about you that amaze me! honestly, i wish we lived close by so i could learn from you. you're "one of those moms" to me that does it all. carson and aaron are so lucky to have you!

seriously, call anytime you have a down day. i LOVE to talk to my friends... a nice break from the hard days :)