Wednesday, September 2, 2015

All about Millie

Today my Millie girl started pre-k. My sweet girl. I missed her so much today but I am so excited for her and know that she is going to have so much fun. Just a few pictures of my girl lately that I love. 

She fell asleep on Aaron while he was working a few weekend ago. It was adorable. She was so worn out. I also took a nap with Millie last week. She just fell asleep with me cuddling in bed. Millie is our cuddler. 

She is so funny and Brooke just adores her. Brookey is really going to miss her. 

She is still falling asleep in the car most afternoons. That is the one constant with her. 

Grandma brought her new school clothes. She loved them so much and even though I told her she had to wait until school to wear them I caved and let her wear them pretty much every day until school started. :) 

When you spill Mom's make up (her new make up), you have to work hard to clean it up. 

Then here she is today, starting preschool like a champ. She told me she did not want to take a picture but she walked right into her class and started painting. She said she had a great day and her teacher said she was great and she couldn't believe how smart she is. 

She told me she learned how to speak with kind words, she ate her lunch and snacks, she played outside and swung on the biggest swing, she made some new friends, she learned how to do the macaroni cheese freeze, and she told me all about the centers and how the number on the card means how many people can play there at one time. I loved hearing every detail and believe me I love it because we get so few details from our boy. 

Preschool is hard work. This afternoon we had to do some relaxing in the pool. :) 

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