Monday, February 11, 2013

18 Months

My sweet Millie girl is already 18 months old. Man do I love the 18 month mark! It is like a sigh of relief for me. I admit it right now, openly, 12-18 months is a very hard age for me but it has past us and now I'm just settling into such a fun age with my kiddos. Camilla's official stats:

Height: 31 3/4" (55th)
Weight: 22 lbs. 8 oz (25th)
Head: 49 cm (95th)

My poor baby had to endure an earache that would not end. We did two different antibiotics and shots and it is finally going away. We have to see an ENT specialist this month to make sure everything is okay. She also got a yeast infection, it was pretty bad. Poor baby, we had no idea she even had an ear infection. she has pretty much all of her teeth in now (another reason I love 18 months - no more teething!) Camilla is still not talking, like at all. We get ma ma and da da and her animal sounds but she communicates what she wants perfectly fine thank you with her grunts, pointing and nodding yes and no. Camilla loves Carson, she wants to be with every second, she also wants to make him scream. If he is building a tower, she is knocking it over; if he is doing a puzzle, she is pulling it apart; and if he is getting dressed she is hiding his shoes. It is crazy how early this has all started. Camilla's hair is coming in in patches but she is still the cutest thing I've ever seen. Camilla loves me, she wants me all the time which most of the time I eat up. She loves to give hugs and kisses and loves her blankie. She loves to go to nursery and to play with other kids and wants to keep up with everything the big kids are doing. 

This little girl lights up my life, seriously, I can't go very long without needing her to smile at me and give me hugs. She is mischievous like you would not believe and she pretty much gets whatever she wants. Camilla loves to dance and conduct music and she does this little booty shake that is just about the cutest things ever. She is our independent girl who can do everything by herself! We sure love our Millie. 

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