My little boy had his 18 month old check up and it was probably his worst one yet. He would not let me put him down and did not want anyone, doctor or nurse, touching him. But we were able to kinda/sorta get his stats:
Height: 34" (90th)
Weight: 24 lb. 6 oz. (30th)
Head: 18 3/4" (50th)
He has stayed pretty consistent in the percentiles and just keeps growing. He looks like such a big boy to me. He is in just the most fun age ever. We seriously cannot get enough of our Car Car man. He is into everything, pulling out everything, climbing on everything, running everywhere, and pretty much wearing me out everyday. While doing some shopping for Christmas we turned around to find him pulling off everything the shelves at the store.
He still loves books like its going out of style. He would seriously read for hours everyday but I have to limit it because it starts to give me headaches after awhile.
This kid still eats like a teenage boy, it seriously amazes me somedays when he eats more than me. (And most of you know that I can put it away) His favorites are all vegetables and fruit, cheese, graham crackers, milk, pizza, and quesadillas.
He is still a great sleeper and very interested in everything. He also loves doing everything me and Aaron do.