Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Happy New Year!!

We had a great New Year's Eve this year. After my long run and Aaron had a tennis game I took the kids to play and get some energy out. Then we came home to try and get some stuff done around the house before we attempted naps so the kids could stay up late (it was a fail :) and then we head over to the Baldwins to start the party. We had yummy dinner over there and the kids played and were so happy to see their friends gain. Then when Spencer couldn't take it anymore we head home, he promptly fell asleep in the car, we got Brooke down when we got home and then we started our own little party with the big kids. I had stocked up on special drinks and we started playing games. 

Why are kids drinking out of bottles so adorable?

Then it was Wii time. We played some Mario Kart and did a lot of winning. :) Then we started our movie and made pizza rolls. The kids had a great time. I really started to wear down and finally head to bed around close. The big kids both made it, were exhausted but both made it. Josie was very scared of the fireworks and the fireworks also woke up baby Spencer. 

2016 was a big year for us filled with big changes. After surviving pregnancy, we were blessed with baby Spencer and without even really trying Aaron found a great job in Austin. We are all healthy and happy and the kids continue to be a great source of light in our lives. This year has brought challenges of course but I feel like Aaron and I continue to work through them together and come out stronger on the other side. 

On our bonus New Year's Day we drove to this great park in Round Rock. It was a gorgeous day and we just let the kids run around and play. It took both of us for sure to try and keep up with them but we made obstacle courses, played school and did a lot of running. 

And did some fit throwing. :) Why is everything she does so darn adorable?  

Spencer crawled around the park 

and rode down the slides with Spencer. 

We are SO sad that Dad had to go back to work after 2 whole weeks at home but part of me is craving the schedule and routine that comes with school. 

Here's to 2017! 

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