Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The highest of highs and lowest of lows

We always say that Camilla gives us the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. She can be the most fun, sweetest girl in the world and she can make me want to pull my hair out! 

We just love watching our girl play soccer. 

But could do without the fits where she says she can't walk. 

But really I just have to express my gratitude for how good she has been lately. She has started doing quiet time like a champ. She hardly ever comes into my room before she is supposed to. She helps me with anything she possibly can and is beyond helpful with Brooke. She is also turning into a very obedient girl and genuinely wants to make good choices. "Just like Nephi" she says. I am grateful for this girl in our family and have been especially grateful for how much she has matured lately. She loves going to preschool and all the fun activities she is involved in and we love watching her creative, fun personality continue to emerge. I love nobody like I love my Millie. 

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