Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Night Out

We had Aaron's holiday work party on Friday night so I had a babysitter all lined up and decided I was going to wear my new leather pants and then when Aaron flew home on Friday evening he was worn out. So we decided to skip the party and just have a date night. Oh man we had so much fun. We ate at Foreign and Domestic. Just the greatest restaurant ever. It was super delicious and some of the best food we've ever eaten. Then we went to Cheez Zee for dessert. They have the absolute best lemon rosemary cake. I had a couple of years ago when I was pregnant with Brooke and I got it on my mind and had to have it again. Just a great night out with my man reminding why I love him so much and that he is incredibly handsome. I've just felt incredibly grateful lately for the strong marriage that we have and that through all the difficult things or stressful things or busy life things we have gone through we are stronger and more in love every year. I sure love him. 

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