Monday, February 13, 2012

Mommy say the prayer

Carson is learning to read and it has been so much fun to hear him sound out words and try so hard to figure out what things say. Carson has always been a book child and loves being able to read books to himself these days. Well a few weeks ago we were out on a walk in our neighborhood. We were almost home and I was anxious to get inside and make the kids dinner and such. About a hundred feet from our house Carson stopped at our neighbor's house to try and read the sign in their yard. He then turned to me and said, "mommy say the prayer?" I tried to explain to him that we didn't really need to say prayers on walks, in broad daylight. He then asked me again. I felt a little guilty and didn't want to be that Mom who discourages her child from praying, so I said a quick prayer. Then he said, "now Carson say the prayer." I was really ready to get home and told Carson that he could say a prayer at home. That seemed to work and I began working toward the house when he started to pull the sign out of our neighbor's yard and bring it with him. I asked him why we needed the sign and he pointed to it and said, "it say Jesus Christ." What? I went over to look and it actually says:

Close, so close.  

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