Monday, July 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Carson!

That's right, our sweet boy turned 2 whole years old. I just can't get over that I have a toddler now. He has seriously grown over night. He looks so big to us now. We can't believe how much he has changed lately and how much fun we are having with him. Here are his stats:
Height: 35" (60-70th)
Weight: 27.8 lbs. (50th)
Head: 19.5" (75th)
Some fun things that Carson is up to lately are anything that has to do with letters, numbers, and reading. He has an obsession with it and Aaron and I aren't sure who he gets it from. He loves songs, church songs, songs on the radio, fun rhyming songs, he loves to sing them all. It cracks us up how he is able to memorize songs so well, out of nowhere he'll start singing a song that I didn't even know that he knew. Carson loves to give hugs and then say..."so sweet." He gives hugs to his friends and us and lots to Josie. He loves to play with her and say, "come one Josie." But she doesn't come...poor guy. Carson still loves to eat like nobody's business. He has to have food in both hands and he stuffs his mouth until it is so full it can't fit anything else. He has gotten pickier with his what he wants but he still eats just as much. His favorite shows are Barney and Super Why and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. He loves to run and jump and climb all over the place and us. He loves the nursery at church, LOVES it! He is our water baby, he loves to go swimming everyday, just like his mama, it works out perfect. He is such a fish swimming all over the pool, jumping off the diving board, and sliding down the slides. He can throw a fit when he doesn't get what he wants and usually has to go into time out for doing something again and again after I tell him, "no." He for some reason thinks its hilarious when I tell him no, even when I do it with a very serious face. He would rather not have his diaper changed but hasn't shown any interest in the potty...none. The hair keeps on coming, he has now had 2 hair cuts, go Carson. We sure love this little guy and have more fun with him all the time.

For his birthday we had a little party with friends in our backyard. We set it up with pools and slides and water games. The kids had fun running around and getting wet. There was lots of watermelon, strawberries, corn dogs, and chips consumed. And of course, cupcakes and ice cream were a hit. Carson didn't seem to know it was his birthday but he sure had a fun time. It was so nice of our friends and family to come and celebrate the big day with us. Eventhough it was a lot of work and this pregnant mama was worn right out by the end of the day, I was so happy that we did something fun just for Carson before baby girl gets here and rocks his world. :) Happy Birthday Carson, we love you!

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Christy said...

Happy Birthday Carson!! It is amazing how much they learn in just a couple of years.

Jen said...

What a fun party! Happy Birthday Carson!