Monday, June 21, 2010

The Curious Case of the Pink Eye

So Carson and I both have pink eye, double pink eye. Carson got it first and then passed it on to me. Luckily the meds work great and we aren't contagious for very long. And for right now it appears (fingers crossed) Aaron has escaped it. But we have no idea who he got it from, we don't know anyone else with it. So Carson and me were pretty house bound this weekend but we still got to celebrate a wonderful father's day with Aaron. We had breakfast in bed (well he had to get back in bed because we all woke up so early) and presents and one of Aaron's favorite dinners. The only fluke was that apparently I am the one madly in love with Texas sheet cake, not Aaron...whoops... so sadly I will have to eat it all myself, it's a rough life. :)
We love you Aaron! Thank you for working so hard for our little family. The best part of our day is when you come home!

1 comment:

Devin said...

What a great Father's day. So sorry you guys got pink eye. No fun. At least Aaron was okay to take care of you guys. See you soon!