Wednesday, March 10, 2010


So February was Carson's 8th month. I was telling people he was 7 months old until I absolutely had to say 8 months. Its hard to accept how fast they grow up. I was looking for my notes page where I write down things Carson does during the month and I can't find it so I hope I can remember most things and I'm not getting confused with what he has done this month. But one thing I know for sure is this kid is so darn cute and happy. He loves people, all people and doesn't mind for new people to hold him or pick him up. And he loves food. He still eats everything I put in front of his mouth, even the meat (which I personally think looks so nasty). And at the end of the month I started with a few table foods and he loves those too. But a few things I want to remember about my little Car Car this month are:

The scooting. He started moving those arms and scooting towards toys he wanted, well mostly towards the remote control. He doesn't lift his little bum in the air though, he only does that when he's sleeping.
His favorite word of the month was ba-ba. Everything and everyone is ba-ba. I would say Ma Ma and he would look at me and say ba ba. I knew he was awake from his naps because I would hear ba ba ba ba from his crib. He also said pa pa sometimes.
He loves to walk around the house while I hold his hands.

He is not cuddly. He never has been and oh how Aaron and I wanted a cuddly baby. He just isn't interested in it. Whenever I try to rock him or sing to him he just wants to stand up and look around and just squirms around.

He loves the vacuum. He is just totally fascinated by it and tries to scoot around and follow me. (Side note: Josie also thinks the vacuum is some sort of game I'm trying to play with her)

He got 2 beautiful top teeth which led to many nights of waking up several times a night crying.

He loves to grab people's faces, chase his duck around the bath tub, and play with Josie's collar.
He pulls himself up on stuff and refuses to sit down to eat. He stands the whole time. And yes I do recognize this is probably not very safe and so I know I need to make him sit but its just so darn adorable.

He has started turning the pages himself when we read books but he doesn't wait for me to finish reading before he starts turning. :)

I tried to put a couple of videos on here. I debated putting them up because I don't know how to edit these and one has a fabulous shot of my bum and the other doesn't get exciting until the last 5 seconds. But Aaron watches these over and over again at work, especially weeks like this when he goes days without seeing Carson and so I am going to post them. I am almost positive we made these in Feb. Enjoy!


Evan and Rebecca Jones said...

SO cute! And ummm did you cut your hair! It's to die for. I love it - looks so good!

Missy said...

Haley! Don't worry about Carson not being a cuddly baby. Ben wasn't really that way when he was little (partly because he walked at 10-1/2 months and we couldn't slow him down for almost 2 years!) But he is the MOST cuddly kid now. He'll sit with me on the couch for the longest time and just want a hug after hug and it's awesome. So you might get a cuddly kid out of him which I think is just as good!

I love your hair, too. ;)

CK Morgan said...

He is so cute and growing up so fast! I love the picture of him with your dog.

Adam and Cassie Pierson said...

Please keep the videos coming. He is growing up sooooo fast!