Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Not wanting to lose the spotlight

So in case any of you were wondering if our sweet puppy has received any neglect since the news of our little arrival, you can rest easy. In fact I'm pretty sure she's more spoiled than ever. She does seem to notice that my belly is expanding and has greatly enjoyed taking some extra naps with me. But perhaps sensing her spotlight would be fading soon she has stepped up her game lately. It was so funny because the day before we found out Big Mac is a boy, which was Aaron's proudest moment ever, Jo decided she could jump in the water and fetch, Aaron's second proudest moment. (A very close second) Every Sunday we take her on a walk up to this park that has a little pond in the middle that she loves to jump into and chase the ducks but has never fetched out of it. I wish I could describe to you how happy this made Aaron. He once told me when we were dating that all he ever wanted growing up, his whole life, was a dog that would fetch like this out of the water. So, knowing that many of you will think this is ridiculous, here is a video of one of Aaron's proudest moments. He told everyone you can think of about this and then remembered, "oh yeah and we're having a boy." :)


Aaron said...

Maybe not even second. Like #1 and #1a

Evan and Rebecca Jones said...

I love it - that's seriously too fun. I'm guessing your little puppy (or big puppy I should say) will be moving a spot down the totem pole when your sweet babe gets there.

How fun that he's due around your birthday!! Good luck with the names - you know Evan and I battle it out till the bitter end, so I have zero advice. :)

Jalei & Lane said...

Just wait til he teaches his son how to play catch!

Adam and Cassie Pierson said...

... or until he says DaDa for the first time. You guys are so funny.

Anonymous said...

haha...your husband is adorable :)

Jen said...

Jo is a gorgeous dog. I had two Golden Retrievers growing up and I loved having them jump in the water to fetch. We'd even take them on our white water rafting trips. :)
(I cracked up when I read Aaron's comment of #1 and #1a. Too funny.) said...

You guys are hilarious ;) I love that you write the way you talk, I can just see your facial expressions! Hope you are feeling good!

Spencer said...

I agree with the 1 and 1a thing Aaron(says probably the only other person on here without kids). Jo's pretty stinking amazing, though. Nice work Aaron! Oh and we'll take Jo if she starts to feel neglected. :) I loved babysitting that little puppy.

CK Morgan said...

i just watched this video with Jonathan probably thirty times. He loves it. He also know calls your dog JoJo since Aaron says it so much in the video :)