Wednesday, July 31, 2013

We Moved

Our summer has been a good one. I would love to say that it has been a great one but in all honesty I just can't. I'm pregnant, I'm sick, I'm pretty much unhappy a lot of the time, Aaron has been traveling, its hot... I could go on but I won't. Yet in spite of me, my kids are happy, healthy and we are making it through a summer of travel. I have actually impressed myself if you want to know the truth. I have found a groove with him being gone and we stick to our routine. I have to plan one activity every day to get me out of bed in the morning but then we are good and breakfast is my one meal that almost always stays down. We are also doing all our normal daily swimming activities, switching between the pool at the gym, the city pools, and our neighborhood pools. I do love summer time and the laid back fun that come with it. 

We decided not to renew our contract in our beloved home on 55 1/2 street. It has been a great one, great location, fabulous neighbors, a bike ride to school but I fear we have outgrown 750 sq. feet and I'm pretty tired of doing my laundry outside. (I know some people have to go to laundry mats, cry me a river, etc. etc.) We found a home northeast of where we live that we like and will be closer to our friends but further away from everything else. We only have one car so we are using a scooter that our dear friends, the Merrises, kindly donated to our cause for this last year of school. I will miss our home. I love it, it holds fond memories but the temptation for cheaper rent and more sq. feet is just too big to pass up. I know my kids will never remember all the fun times we had in our small house but I hope that Aaron and I will. Thanks for the memories. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Bats

Stephen and Casey were in Dallas visiting my parents for a week so they drove down to Austin to visit Kimberly and me. It was fun to have visitors because we did some things that we really want to do but just haven't. We ate delicious BBQ and finally saw the bats. Carson thought they were great, Camilla was a little scared of them but overall it was a gorgeous night and a fun must do while you are in Austin.


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Happy Birthday Camilla

 I love Camilla. I mean this when I say it. I love her so much my heart could burst. She makes me smile and makes my heart melt so quickly its unreal. But she can also make me want to pull my hair out. She has so much stubbornness and determination that it doesn't always go well for this impatient Mamma. But somehow within 30 seconds of thinking I'm going to have to call her father to come and take her to school with him, I am back to snuggling up close to her and smothering her in kisses. Camilla has had a wonderful second year of life and grown so much. She still isn't talking very much but makes her demands known with grunts, pointing, and the occasional words. She loves her brother more than anything in the whole world but also loves to make him scream second most. 

She had a fabulous birthday, filled with homemade (from scratch) pink cupcakes, swimming, and eating french fries. She seemed to understand that it was a special day just for her and that is right up Millie's ally. She is the sunshine that lights up our little home and we are very grateful to have such a spitfire in our family.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Happy Birthday Aaron and Haley

Aaron and I both have birthdays in July. They were nothing fancy this year (I'm pregnant I scrap by on the bare minimum) but we did go on a small trip for Aaron's internship in Dallas at a fancy hotel. We had a lot of fun and enjoyed the small break from the kiddos. Big thank you to my parents for keeping them for us. The weekend was spent eating fabulous food, laying out by the pool, and getting to know the interns from all over the country. We have been grateful that Aaron was able to get such a great internship and know that his experience will Deloitte will be a good one.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Fourth of July Fun

If there is one thing Aaron and I know how to do right, its time off work. :) We were so excited that Aaron had Thursday and Friday off work that we planned fun stuff for for us to do all day long. I personally love the fourth of July, it just might be my favorite holiday. I am proud of the country I live in and grateful for the freedoms my family enjoys. I think often that my sweet children will have every opportunity because of the country we live in. I am grateful to live in the safety that we enjoy and proud to be in a country where we often reach out to help others. 

We decided to go to the parade up in Round Rock, which is a big parade. We were pretty underwhelmed. Whatever happened to floats? It was just decorated cars and trucks throwing out candy. And lots of crazy kids going crazy over this candy. After about 15 minutes and our kids hands both full of gum and tootsie rolls we were ready to move on.

One thing Carson really, really wanted to see was a marching band. That was the highlight for us. He was so excited for it. 

Camilla was not giving up her candy for anything! 

We decided to walk a few blocks over to a shaved ice place and get snow cones instead of stick around. They were delicious and refreshing, just what we needed. 

After we got home we went swimming for about an hour at the gym. It wasn't great weather for swimming outside so we went to the kids favorite pool at the gym and let them have fun swimming there. Then after naps we headed out to Round Rock again to see the festival and get ready for fireworks. It was SO crowded but we just walked around and hung out for 3 hours until the show started. They had some fun stuff there as well. I was already so worn out by this point, Aaron had to do most of the playing with the kids. 

We waited a LONG time for the fireworks to start. The kids ran around and played and were making fireworks of their own with grass. 

Finally the show began. It was worth the wait. I LOVE fireworks and so did the kids. 

Then on Friday we went with a group of our friends to Blue Hole. We had such a great time, despite the cold temps in the water. We love Blue Hole and have so much fun just hanging out with friends, eating food, and occasionally climbing in the water. 

Aaron had to show everybody up on the rope swing again this year. Here he is warming up. 

Making the jump. 


I opted to make my jumps from the tree. 

The water was freezing but felt good. 

We did a lot of running around and throwing the ball with the kids.

Camilla thought the water was a little too cold for her liking.

We were all so worn out by the end of the day and our late night the night before. Carson and Camilla crashed in the car and slept until after 6, which of course made for a fun late night. :) I crashed on the couch while Aaron was putting the kids to bed. It was such a fun couple of days but I made Aaron promise me that on Saturday we could spend some time at home.